
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Friday, February 17, 2006

An important postscript to my previous musings on Brokeback, thanks to a helpful email sent to me by my brother:

"You forgot, in your list of Ang Lee movies, to include "The Hulk". I'm sure there's some sort of stupid Brokeback/Hulk joke to be made there ("Don't make me gay. You wouldn't like me when I'm gay". Or perhaps "Why can't I squash you?")."

Thanks JP!


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