I finally made it to the National Palace when Nancy and I decided to accompany a couple of new friends who were visting. I went there once years ago in 1999 and only remembered lots of shiny stuff. The shiny stuff is still there, only shinier. I am posing next to some of the shiny stuff, looking insignificant and yet strangely cute. The skirt I was forced to borrow from the Grand Palace Clothing Rental Quik Stop (which is not quick at all) because my pants were quite scandalous -- they only reach mid-shin. I'm such a whore. The guy behind me in line had to rent a skirt as well because his pants were too short too! At least there's no gender bias going on. As for the Grand Palace itself - well it is one of Thailand's holiest spots. It hosts the Emerald Buddha, this little man sitting cross legged WAY on top of a giant shrine. He is topped off with a glass dome and three times a year the King must change his little outfit -- he has his summer outfit, his winter outfit and his rainy season outfit. I note that just because this temple complex is one of Thailand's most revered spots, do not be fooled into thinking it looks at all old and decrepit or ancient. Thais like to make their holy spots and temples as flashy as possible and no expense has been spared on this place. None. Out of respect for national piety I will leave my analysis of the Grand Palace at that.
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