
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Okay, just a short note (although nothing I write ever ends up short) just to let my millions of fans know that I am still alive and dodging bullets in Bangkok!

The photos and adventures have been piling up which, of course, makes me want to avoid posting ... but there really is so much to tell and document from our trip down south to visit an area that has been virtually ignored by the government in its much-publicized tsunami recovery program to Song Kraan, the Thai New Year, four days of water cannons (think Civil Rights protests in the early 60s) and heavy drinking, all in the name of New Year fun!

I am also taking a Canadian immigration test as we speak! Just read in the NYT that the Republicans are planning to put gay adoption bans on a bunch of state ballots in 2008 as part of their new strategy to flush the Crazy Christian Hater Worms out of their holes and into the polling stations. Whatevah ... they executed a coup de grace (is that the right term?) with the gay marriage bans, so I'm not stinking around for whatever is next on their stinkin' agenda. It always pays to have an insurance policy (not that I've ever had insurance on anything but that's what people like to say in these situations).

Okay I'm going through a slightly paranoid stage of my life. But come on, AT&T has been wiretapping our phones and emails! Cleverly I switched to Sprint for my cell phone plan while in NYC. Hopefully the terrorists didn't as well (as my lovely partner pointed out during a pause in one of my rants)!

In other words I've started studying Thai in earnest. Sa wa di kaa! Okay I already knew how to say that, but "I have a pink eraser" (Di chan mii yanglop si champoo ka!) didn't seem pertinent to the online conversation.


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