
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Friday, January 19, 2007

Hill tribe kids hangin' tight. Funny, they look just like non-hill tribe kids. Oops, don't tell the tourists that! These three girls with their arms around each other were inseperable ... they were the Three Musketeers. I think their names were Courtney, Kelly and Heather -- at least, that's what I called them. It's recess time from school -- the guide dropped us off in these kids village while they were supposed to be studying but all they did was stare at us out the window so that was that.


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