
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

On the morning of my second day Nancy, Maureen, our guide Chiev and I hit Bayon temple, another King Jayavarman the Seventh special built in the late 12th century. Like Angkor Wat this is a Buddhist temple and, like Angkor Wat and Jaya the Seventh's other temples, all of the Buddhist images and statues have been removed by a subsequent Hindu king. Bayon is located dead center in the ancient capital city of Angkor Thom, which also houses Angkor Wat (I know, I'm throwing a lot of Angkors at you). My guidebook says Bayon temple is one of the most "enigmatic temples" in Angkor because its symbolism and form are not yet fully understood. Since I didn't really understand the symbolism or form of all the other temples as well this was not a big problem. Pictured you can see how explorers a 100 years ago approached Bayon's famous East Gate -- by elephant and black sedan.


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