
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Raffles Hotel, birthplace of the Singapore Sling. In case you forget, there are little signs and reminders everywhere, and you get a free recipe when you check in. If you go upstairs to the Long Bar, where the bartender who made it worked, you see tables and tables of tourists grasping identical pink drinks. At 11 a.m. Here we are, enjoying ours. Well, Nancy's and mine are virgins. Because we are too. We're in the Writer's Bar. Where Somerset Maugham and Jospeh Conrad had their virgin Singapore Slings too.


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