This is from the little island of Ko Kret (Ko means island) north of Bangkok in the Chao Praya river. It didn't used to be an island, but people got tired of taking the long way around this annoying peninsula on their way up north, so they made it an island like 300 years ago or something. Anyway, there's this old pottery making community that makes their home there and we visited them as part of this educational river boat tour for science teachers that Nancy went on to plug her trade (see puppet photo below) and I tagged along. Here is a photo of them making the clay ... it's revolting and yet mesmerising at the same time. I won't describe all the things it reminds me of although I really would like to. There's a list.
I don't really remember much else from the island except for the Crazy Cat Lady who lives in a hovel and who pushed this premature kitten in our faces as we walked by and cackled and gibbered at us. A beautiful, cultural moment.
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