
"I would to Heaven that I were so much Clay-- ...Because at least the past were past away-- And for the future--(but I write this reeling Having got drunk exceedingly to day So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say--the future is a serious matter-- And so--for Godsake--Hock and Soda water." --Lord Byron

Thursday, July 13, 2006

So a bunch of army units are under investigation for conspiring to assassinate Thaksin because of his alleged misbehaviour during the King's 60th Anniversary celebrations last month! Quick background, Thais take their King -- a constitutional monarchy -- VERY seriously here. Many see him as divine and they also love him personally. The 60th anniversary of his ascension to the throne was HUGE here -- I should know, I couldn't get a bus home for five days because of all the adoring people in the way in matching yellow polo shirts (there's all sorts of royal places between the sky train and our apartment and yellow is the current Kig's color because he was born on a Monday). That's pretty huge.

Anyway, the HMK (His Majesty the King in shorthand) has made a few sharp comments lately that threatens the current CARETAKER PM's hold on power, including a crack about some sham elections last March that were decreed valid by a very corrupt Election Commission that is still refusing to step down despite a court order from the country's top court. Following all of this yet? Don't worry neither am I. The most recent doo doo to hit the fan are allegations that Thaksin delivered a personal letter to Bush complaining that "a highly charismatic figure" is fiddling with democracy in Thailand. Since Thaksin couldn't possibly be referring to himself -- evidence of voter fraud or no -- everyone thinks he's talking about the K. or his top advisor.

Take all of this for what it's worth -- digesting the English press in this country is like trying to decode some kind of elaborate riddle. They're not really into nut grafs or attributions here. You've really got to want to understand what's going on and seriously read between the lines. And know that when an article refers to X it is really referring to Y. It's like me when I'm getting mad at Nancy!


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